Index World Press Photo
December 2008 | Edition Eleven     

Welcome to the eleventh edition of Enter, the online magazine of World Press Photo's Education Department. For more information on navigating and accessing Enter - and how to be emailed about future editions - click here.

Qiu Yan ©

The world is changing fast and no more so than in mass communication.

For those in photojournalism there are profound implications.

The traditional magazine assignment has become a rarity but other and different opportunities have appeared online and elsewhere.

In our first themed edition of Enter - number 11 - we take a long look at the future. Is it all bad news for photographers or is the new, connected universe full of exciting opportunities?

We have asked no fewer than fourteen experts from the world of news and photography to give us their take on the next few years.

They examine the new skills needed to satisfy commissioners and customers alike in a world where video is likely to be as important as still photography, if not more so.

What about the future of photographic books, festivals and galleries?

And what new technology is just around the corner for photographers to exploit?

Our Talking Point tackles some of these issues too and more.

Enter 11, of course, also highlights the work of many photographers who have benefited from World Press Photo seminars, workshops, contests and Masterclasses in the past.

But we also feature, for the first time, multi-media presentations as one new way to showcase photographic work.

Because we are concentrating on the future, there is no Close Up in this edition, where we normally highlight a photographer from the past who could be a role model.

Don’t forget, we are very keen to know what you think of the magazine. Please take a few minutes to complete our short questionnaire - the link is in the right-hand column. Or send us an email by clicking here.

Picture Power highlights images from around the world which have caught a photo editor’s eye. Click on an image to see a higher-resolution version and read about how and why that image was chosen for prominence on the page.

Complete version (1,54 MB)
Text only version (707 KB)

Copyright © 2008, all rights reserved by the photographers